The Ethics of Ecopoiesis and Its Importance as a Regenerative Ethics


  • Glenn McLaren Swinburne Unviersity


Ecopoiesis, Ethics, Philosophy, Regenerative farming


The existential crises humanity faces are primarily crises of ethics. To solve them, I argue, it is therefore to philosophers that we need to turn and not scientists and engineers. But many philosophers throughout history have been part of the problem of the degeneration of ethics. In this paper I will introduce a new approach in ethics to help solve our ethical crises and regenerate ethics, ecopoiesis, created by process philosopher, Arran Gare. Ecopoiesis refers to the processes of home creation. Its roots are in process philosophy and radical ecology, fields which better understand the real complexities of reality. I model the regenerative ethics of ecopoiesis on the regenerative farming movement using the microbiome as an example of how it works.    


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How to Cite

McLaren, G. (2024). The Ethics of Ecopoiesis and Its Importance as a Regenerative Ethics. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 20(2), 402–425. Retrieved from