Jacques Lacan and the Other Side of Psychoanalysis: Reflections on Seminar XVII


  • Lizzy Newman Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis


Psychoanalysis, Discourse, Oedipus Complex, Shame


A review of Justin Clemens and Russell Grigg (eds.), Jacques Lacan and the Other Side of Psychoanalysis: Reflections on Seminar XVII, Duke University Press, 2006. ISBN: 0-8223-3719-3.

A new book that brings together 16 essays, mostly all commentaries upon Lacan's Seminar XVII, known asThe other Side of Psychoanalysis;. Topics include the four discourses, the relation between psychoanalysis and contemporary social discourses, the question of social change, the relationship between psychoanalysis and politics, and the structuring function of the Oedipus complex.

Author Biography

Lizzy Newman, Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis

Lizzy Newman is a psychoanalyst and artist. She is a member of The Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis, and lives in Melbourne.




How to Cite

Newman, L. (2006). Jacques Lacan and the Other Side of Psychoanalysis: Reflections on Seminar XVII. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 2(1-2), 372–375. Retrieved from http://cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/view/49