Science, Philosophy and the Return of Time: Reflections on Speculative Thought


  • Matthew McManus


Time, Speculative Thought, Schelling, Smolin


My paper is conceived as a critical contribution to this growing literature, intended to clarify certain problematic controversies in fundamental ontology.  In particular, I will analyze the ontological project Roberto Unger, and Lee Smolin.  who have developed the most systematic philosophy in the continental tradition, and who draw on mathematics and science as a source of philosophical inspiration.  While I admire the philosophy of nature developed by Unger and Smolin, this paper will argue that their project has not successfully reconciled mathematics and physics into a coherent philosophical system.  I will conclude by suggesting that Schelling offers more valuable philosophical resources to develop a cogent philosophy of nature.




How to Cite

McManus, M. (2017). Science, Philosophy and the Return of Time: Reflections on Speculative Thought. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 13(3), 238–262. Retrieved from