Decolonizing the ‘Ethics of Artificial Intelligence’


  • Jonathan Piedra Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


Decoloniality, ethics, principlism, artificial intelligence


The first part of this paper contextualizes the debate on the ethical regulation of Artificial Intelligence, and then reviews the main Anglo-Eurocentric elements of public initiatives about the ‘Ethics of AI’ that have recently emerged. All this with the ultimate purpose of analyzing the basis of principlism of the Ethics of AI. We refer to this with the specific purpose of presenting it in terms of a paradigmatic case of ‘colonized’ ethics that hides the different moral judgments and the alternative cultural axiologies. We begin with the hypothesis that there is a possibility of questioning the real purpose and contribution of this applied ethics, using a dilemmatic perspective specific to human and legal sciences. To execute this type of analysis, which is highly required to understand what the future of these proposals is and how it can affect the regulation of AI, an analysis related to the contemporary literature from the Decoloniality field will be performed.

Author Biography

Jonathan Piedra, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

Escuela de Filosofí­a

Academic and researcher


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How to Cite

Piedra, J. (2023). Decolonizing the ‘Ethics of Artificial Intelligence’. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 19(1), 467–480. Retrieved from