Creative Piety and Neo-Utopianism

Cultivating Our Global Garden


  • Robert Alan Hanna Independent philosopher
  • Otto Paans Independent philosopher


cosmopolitanism, creative piety, dignitarianism, Earth, humankind, Kant, life-shaping, neo-organicism, neo-utopianism, thought-shaping, world-shaping, Voltaire


This essay is the third in a trilogy. In the first two essays, ‘This Is The Way The World Ends: A Philosophy of Civilization Since 1900, and A Philosophy of the Future’, Cosmos & History, 16, 2, 2020, 1-53, and ‘Thought-Shapers’, Cosmos & History, 17, 1, 2021, 1-72, we outlined a broadly and radically Kantian neo-organicist thought-shaping, world-shaping,  and life-shaping philosophy of the future. But precisely how can this neo-organicist project be realized? That’s the burning question, upon whose answer the interlinked fates of the Earth and humankind jointly depend. In what follows, by presenting and then practicing the fundamental meta-cognitive capacity we call creative piety, we sketch and then strongly recommend a near-future, neo-utopian global society that’s organized according to broadly and radically Kantian dignitarian neo-organicist principles. In so doing, we elaborate and extend Voltaire’s justly famous neo-Edenic exhortation, the final sentence of Candide, ‘Il faut cultiver notre jardin’—we must cultivate our garden—by reformulating it as a cosmopolitan neo-utopian exhortation: ‘Il faut cultiver notre jardin mondial’, that is, we must cultivate our global garden.


Author Biography

Robert Alan Hanna, Independent philosopher

Robert Hanna is an independent philosopher, Co-Director (with Hugh Reginald) of the online philosophy mega-project, Philosophy Without Borders, and Director of The Contemporary Kantian Philosophy Project. He received his PhD from Yale University USA in 1989, and has held research or teaching positions at the University of Cambridge UK, the University of Colorado at Boulder USA, the University of Luxembourg LU, PUC-PR Brazil, Yale, and York University CA.





23-08-2022 — Updated on 23-08-2022


How to Cite

Hanna, R. A., & Paans, O. (2022). Creative Piety and Neo-Utopianism : Cultivating Our Global Garden. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 18(1), 1–82. Retrieved from