Eugen Fink: Ethics is Rooted in Physics


  • Eva Dědečková Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences


anthropocene, cosmological philosophy, Eugen Fink, Friedrich Nietzsche, ethics, philosophy of education, cosmos, physics


In addition to stimulating disparate scientific debates, the Anthropocene era has influenced philosophy itself in a fundamental way. It is here that we return to the question of understanding man and his relationship with the world. Is humanism and its ethics and morals adequate for the situation in which we find ourselves? The devastation of the environment, the evident decomposition of traditional values, increasing injustice, and inequalities mutilating the interpersonal sphere are all testimony to the fact that our current philosophy of education is inadequate. What if we look at this problem from a cosmological perspective? Eugen Fink’s philosophy, which creatively follows Friedrich Nietzsche, presented the surprising fact that ethics is rooted in physics. In this essay, I will try to introduce this aspect of Fink’s philosophy and create a preliminary outline of what possible philosophical (and social) consequences this concept opens up.


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How to Cite

Dědečková, E. (2022). Eugen Fink: Ethics is Rooted in Physics. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 18(2), 129–149. Retrieved from