From Relational Logic and Relational Epistemology to Relationalism

Tools to Reduce Confusion in the Public Square and to Resolve the Crisis in Modern Economic Theory


  • Carmine Gorga The Somist Institute


Economic Theory, Relational Logic, Relational Epistemology, Relationism


Relational Logic establishes relations between the three basic principles of logic: identity, non-contradiction, and equivalence. These three principles were used by Cro-Magnon men and women to “name names.” Ever since the Greeks used the principle of equivalence, not to analyze concrete entities such as names, but to determine the truth value of individual words and individual propositions our mind has plunged into a world of abstraction.

Relational Epistemology adds new items to the list of tools of epistemology: to names, ideas, and concepts, Relational Epistemology calls upon theories, “systems of thought,” and “processes” (the analysis of the dynamic of systems). Dialectic ideas and ideals are also tools of epistemology.

The indissoluble union of Relational Logic and Relational Epistemology yields the Relational Method of Analysis (RMA).Faithfully applying RMA to a variety of mental disciplines, one unifies them and obtains the transformation of Rationalism into Relationalism. From the atomism and discord of the modern world we pass to the discovery of systematic and harmonious relationships of everything with everything else. This work is in obeisance to Lukacs, and others, who have stated that we are “At the End of an Age”—and the beginning of another.

The paper is in three parts: Part I, Relational Logic; Part II , Relational Epistemology; Part III, Relationalism. Each part is a schematic presentation of very long and complex developments in human thought. Each Part is designed to give us a better understanding of our confused moment in history. Special emphasis is placed throughout on how the present analysis can be of help in clarifying and solving the crisis in modern economic theory.


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How to Cite

Gorga, C. (2023). From Relational Logic and Relational Epistemology to Relationalism: Tools to Reduce Confusion in the Public Square and to Resolve the Crisis in Modern Economic Theory. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 19(1), 249–326. Retrieved from