Epistemic Frameworks and Their Implications for Understanding the Rationality of Science
epistemic frameworks, naturalism, anti-naturalism, incommensurability, Weltanschauungen, rationality of science, presuppositionalismAbstract
This paper discusses the role epistemic frameworks play in science. First, the text explains what epistemic frameworks are and indicates that they are based on small sets of methodological decisions. Second, the paper shows that the different metaphysics underlying the various epistemic frameworks leads to diametrically opposed worldviews. Third, the paper investigates epistemic frameworks from the perspective of their incommensurability. In light of the discussed analysis, epistemic frameworks express the greatest possible difference in scientific views. The essay concludes that the approach presented here moves the discussion of the rationality of science from the traditional level − promoted by various schools of philosophy of science via analyses of rather extensive sets of methodological rules to the (meta)level of the two, or at most three, most basic methodological decisions.
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