Mapping The Whole in EveryOne An Essay on: Non-Existence as the Engine and Axis of Existence
Non-Existence, Existence, Unity, Point-Centered-Process, Co-CreationAbstract
It is argued that an effective way to view consciousness is as a "superposition" of existence and nonexistence, producing an indivisible experience of "nonlocal being", plus who and what we perceive ourselves to be (local observers). This relationship between an observer-based localization and the nonlocal whole is examined. Using ideas from general relativity and quantum mechanics (QM), we suggest how a space-time continuum (GR)-including QM probability and uncertainty, as properties of consciousness-may have arisen as dynamic complementarities. Opportunities to contemplate the origins of existence are investigated, and corresponding experimental studies are suggestedDownloads
How to Cite
Andrews, S., & Salka, S. (2014). Mapping The Whole in EveryOne An Essay on: Non-Existence as the Engine and Axis of Existence. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 10(1), 15–33. Retrieved from