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The Monroe Institute Gateway Program: Hermeneutics, Hemispheric Synchronization (Hemi-Sync), and Contemplative Living


  • Tara Cuthbertson Binghamton University, State University of New York


Quantum Holography, Binaural Beats, Mindfulness, Meditation, Relationality, Narrative Network, Hermeneutic Phenomenology




Mindfulness philosophy argues that practices such as quieting the mind, deep listening, observing without judgment, focused attention, and introspection can lead a contemplative practitioner into meaningful insights and everyday experiences of awe. This paper seeks to contribute to understanding our place as historical agents in the cosmos by suggesting that the quantum holographic science and hermeneutic-introspective exercises of the Monroe Institute's Gateway Experience Program, including its patented binaural hemispheric synchronization ("Hemi-Sync”) technology, can assist people in taking greater ownership of their personal narratives and daily lives. In this paper, you will find an introduction to the Gateway Program, an overview of the Monroe Gateway "Preparatory Process” (a series of affirmations and visualizations that relaxes meditants), discussions of the hermeneutic exercises in the "Focus” meditations and the Institute's background quantum holography, and my conclusions stating the potential personal and spiritual transformation that await any willing participant in the Gateway program.  

Author Biography

Tara Cuthbertson, Binghamton University, State University of New York

Department of Comparative Literature


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How to Cite

Cuthbertson, T. (2022). The Monroe Institute Gateway Program: Hermeneutics, Hemispheric Synchronization (Hemi-Sync), and Contemplative Living. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 18(1), 533–553. Retrieved from