The Complexity of Realism and the Indexicalist Approach: Limits and Prospects


  • Otávio Souza e Rocha Dias Maciel Univeristy of Brasília


Hilan Bensusan, Indexicalism, Speculative Realism, Metaphysics of the Others, Kenotypes (Meillassoux), Complex Realism (Surematics), Formal Ontology


The aim of this paper is to present my take on Professor Hilan Bensusan’s Indexicalism project. I begin by showing how we might see indexicals emerging from the kenotypes, at least as how they are presented by Quentin Meillassoux, which places them inside a broader Categoreal Matrix. Then, I endeavour to show how a complex take on Realism benefits greatly from kenotypes-indexicals, which are the very root of the possibility of an ontology of communication. I then present a few positive remarks and some critical observations regarding the construction of the Indexicalism project and its limits, while showing how we might create further alliances towards a new kind of formal ontology. 


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How to Cite

Souza e Rocha Dias Maciel, O. (2021). The Complexity of Realism and the Indexicalist Approach: Limits and Prospects. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 17(2), 215–256. Retrieved from



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