The Copernican Long Awaited Breakthrough

Reconciliation of the Blunt Earth Physics and the Immaculate Mathematics of the Skies


  • Rinat Nugayev Volga Region State Academy


Aristotelian qualitative physics, Ptolemaic mathematical astronomy, monotheistic  Weltanschauung, Copernican breakthrough


The Copernican inextricable revolution is scrutinized in the distinctive context of intense interaction and profound interpenetration of Aristotelean and Ptolemaic subtle theoretical languages. It is elicited that already within the Ptolemaic sophisticated research program the mathematical exactness increasingly deviated from the blunt tenets of Aristotelean qualitative physics though well-grounded empirically. Aristotelian - Ptolemaic heathen cosmology could not help but be exposed to repeated severe attacks during the European Middle Ages since it  apparently confronted the stout principles of monotheism not admitting the strict demarcation line between the celestial and mundane realms. All seemingly different worlds should have one and the same Creator. Henceforth the Copernican startling breakthrough should be evaluated in the refined scope of further clarification of the tremendous gap between astronomy and physics and the subsequent commencement of effective efforts to eradicate it in the favorable monotheistic social-cultural context of Christian Weltanschauung enforcement. The posterior indispensable  contributions of Galileo Galilei, Johann Kepler, Rene Descartes and Isaac Newton incarnated  the stiff milestones of the mathematics descent from sublime  Skies to sinful Earth and the reciprocal ascent of Earth physics in comprehending  the   distinctive Divine phenomena.


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How to Cite

Nugayev, R. (2023). The Copernican Long Awaited Breakthrough: Reconciliation of the Blunt Earth Physics and the Immaculate Mathematics of the Skies. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 19(2), 255–278. Retrieved from