Ancient Shamanism and Modern Psychotherapy: From Athropology to Evidence-Based Psychodelic Medicine


  • Nicola Luigi Bragazzi
  • Hicham Khabbache
  • Ignazio Vecchio
  • Mariano Martini
  • Marco Perduca
  • Riccardo Zerbetto
  • Tania Simona Re


Psychoactive drugs and compounds, Psychedelic Renaissance, Psychedelic medicine


In the last years, the debate on the therapeutic use of psychoactive drugs and compounds has intensified and has attracted a progressively growing body of research as well as of conferences and training courses. This is anticipated to revolutionize future mental health care. However, a medieval obscurantist climate remains that hinders further advances in the field. The research field of psychoactive drugs, despite its promises, is characterized by a number of challenges which, in the future, should be addressed, concerning, for instance, their potential therapeutic use. There is a concrete possibility to revitalize the use of these substances by bridging past and present, combining ancient knowledge and modern science to serve new therapeutic paradigms.




How to Cite

Bragazzi, N. L., Khabbache, H., Vecchio, I., Martini, M., Perduca, M., Zerbetto, R., & Re, T. S. (2018). Ancient Shamanism and Modern Psychotherapy: From Athropology to Evidence-Based Psychodelic Medicine. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 14(1), 142–152. Retrieved from